We want to thank you for choosing to visit our website. We welcome you and pray that you will find here answers to your questions so that you may grow spirit, soul, and body in the Word of God. If you don’t know the Lord, Jesus Christ as your personal savior then it is our prayer you will find Him today. If you know Him and want to build a deeper walk with Him, then we are honored to be part of that. Our vision is to see people come to the Lord, and start a relationship with Him that is growing daily. My assignment is to get you to love the Word of God. As a Pastor of a church for over 29 years, I know the importance of the Uncompromising Word of God, realtionships with God, and other believers, and going to the Word for your answers instead of the world’s system. This ministry is a tool to help pastors, leaders, and all believers find a deeper love for the Word and a closer relationship with Jesus.
Keep choosing life and the Blessing,
Pastor Billy & Shelby Rash